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In 1936, at the instigation of the poet Ezra Pound, his young student James Laughlin founded New Directions in New York. I thought about him every time another of Fra's books came out. I perceived kinship here: it was clear that behind each of the texts, without exception, without bend, the publishing house and its editors were at the heart and choice. And each book opened up space for me to look, talk. The Fra journey is challenging and exploratory. Whether in the translation series, where there is not a single concession, in the search for essential Czech original texts.

Anna Kareninová


Editions Fra

We wanted to publish quality books in three editions - in the edition of fiction, essay writing and in the edition that would bring sources from older world and Czech literature. Everything is realized from this idea, although of course in a slightly different form. We try to build publishing houses as a series of books that discuss each other, often of course inconspicuously, and complement each other.


Triad Publishing House

Designreader is a growing edited database of Czech and translated texts on design and visual culture. We are an open platform to which you can connect and participate in its content.



Martin Kubát, Café Fra
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